
By taxi
By taxi

Taxi-stops are situated in several places in Katowice:

at the entrance of the railway station on the ground floor from 3 Maja St.

Plac Oddzialow Mlodziezy Powstanczej

the "Silesia" hotel

Skargi St.

the "Katowice" hotel

Korfantego Av.

Dworcowa St.

When you take a taxi always ask for the price beforehand unless you are willing to pay anything. Different types of taxis can charge very different prices which can vary up to 5 times the regular fare depending on location and time.

By public transport
By public transport

All public bus and tram transport is supervised by KZK GOP. 24h free phone information: 0 800 16 30 30. KZK GOP Website (http://www.kzkgop.pl/?lang=en).